This kit includes one light crawler kit.
The kit includes two options of the main gun:
- short barrel
- long barrel
The kit also includes optional rear legs with a bigger moveable foot section.
Dimensions (without long barrel)
- length:13,6cm // 5.1″
- width: 11,5cm // 4,5″
- height: 6,5cm // 2,5″
The human and dog shown on the picture is only for scale purposes and is not included in the kit.
Product is delivered unassembled and unpainted. Deburring, grinding, bending, filling and other work may be necessary to ensure parts fit properly.
The models are for expirienced modellers only. We do not recommend them for children under 15 years of age. Always be careful and protect yourself. Dont cut towards your fingers and cover your eyes and hair when working with electric machines like rotary grinders.
Some detials might by slightly different than shown on the pictures.
Mortian / Ortenburger Modellbau
UV sensitive photopolymer Resin
Use case:
Decorative miniatures. No toys
Achtung: Ungehärtetes Modell – Bitte beachten! Ihr Modell muss vor der Nutzung vollständig ausgehärtet werden, um sicher verwendet zu werden. Ungehärtetes Harz kann gesundheitsschädlich sein.
• Vermeiden Sie Hautkontakt: Tragen Sie Schutzhandschuhe beim Umgang mit dem Modell. • Nachhärtung erforderlich: Setzen Sie das Modell für mindestens 10 Minuten UV-Licht aus, um es zu härten.
• Gut lüften: Achten Sie auf ausreichende Belüftung beim Arbeiten mit dem Modell. • Nicht für Kinder geeignet.• Verpackung sicher entsorgen.• Gefährlich für Haut und Augen: Bei Kontakt mit Haut oder Augen sofort mit Wasser abspülen.
Notfallmaßnahmen: • Bei Haut- oder Augenreizungen sofort mit Wasser spülen und bei anhaltenden Beschwerden einen Arzt aufsuchen.
Warning: Uncured Model – Please Read! Your model must be fully cured before use to ensure it is safe. Uncured resin can be harmful to health. Safety Instructions: Avoid skin contact: Wear protective gloves when handling the model. Curing required: Expose the model to UV light for at least 10 minutes to cure it. Ensure proper ventilation: Make sure the workspace is well-ventilated when working with the model. Important Notes: Not suitable for children. Dispose of packaging properly. Hazardous to skin and eyes: In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse immediately with water. Emergency Measures: If skin or eye irritation occurs, rinse immediately with water and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
Attenzione: Modello non indurito – Si prega di leggere! Il tuo modello deve essere completamente indurito prima dell'uso per garantirne la sicurezza. La resina non indurita può essere dannosa per la salute.
Istruzioni di sicurezza: Evitare il contatto con la pelle: Indossare guanti protettivi quando si maneggia il modello. Indurimento necessario: Esporre il modello a luce UV per almeno 10 minuti per indurirlo. Garantire una buona ventilazione: Assicurarsi che l'area di lavoro sia ben ventilata durante la manipolazione del modello.
Note importanti: Non adatto ai bambini. Smaltire correttamente l’imballaggio. Pericoloso per pelle e occhi: In caso di contatto con la pelle o gli occhi, sciacquare immediatamente con acqua. Misure di emergenza: In caso di irritazione della pelle o degli occhi, sciacquare immediatamente con acqua e consultare un medico se i sintomi persistono.
Uwaga: Model nieutwardzony – Proszę przeczytać! Twój model musi być całkowicie utwardzony przed użyciem, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo. Nieuutwardzona żywica może być szkodliwa dla zdrowia. Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa: Unikaj kontaktu ze skórą: Używaj rękawic ochronnych podczas manipulacji modelem. Wymaga utwardzenia: Wystaw model na światło UV przez co najmniej 10 minut, aby go utwardzić. Dobra wentylacja: Upewnij się, że miejsce pracy jest dobrze wentylowane podczas pracy z modelem. Ważne informacje: Nie nadaje się dla dzieci. Prawidłowo usuń opakowanie. Niebezpieczne dla skóry i oczu: W przypadku kontaktu ze skórą lub oczami natychmiast przepłukać wodą. Środki w nagłych wypadkach: W przypadku podrażnienia skóry lub oczu, natychmiast przepłukać wodą i skonsultować się z lekarzem, jeśli objawy utrzymują się.
Avertissement : Modèle non durci – À lire attentivement ! Votre modèle doit être entièrement durci avant utilisation pour garantir sa sécurité. La résine non durcie peut être nuisible à la santé.
Évitez le contact avec la peau : Portez des gants de protection lors de la manipulation du modèle. Durcissement nécessaire : Exposez le modèle à la lumière UV pendant au moins 10 minutes pour le durcir. Assurez une bonne ventilation : Veillez à ce que la pièce soit bien ventilée lors de l’utilisation du modèle.
Informations importantes : Ne convient pas aux enfants. Éliminer correctement l'emballage. Dangereux pour la peau et les yeux : En cas de contact avec la peau ou les yeux, rincez immédiatement à l'eau.
Mesures d'urgence : En cas d'irritation de la peau ou des yeux, rincez immédiatement à l'eau et consultez un médecin si les symptômes persistent.
Advertencia: Modelo no curado – ¡Por favor, lea! Su modelo debe ser completamente curado antes de su uso para garantizar su seguridad. La resina no curada puede ser perjudicial para la salud. Evite el contacto con la piel: Use guantes de protección al manipular el modelo. Curado necesario: Expose el modelo a luz UV durante al menos 10 minutos para curarlo. Ventilación adecuada: Asegúrese de que el área de trabajo esté bien ventilada al manipular el modelo.
Notas importantes: No apto para niños. Deseche el embalaje correctamente. Peligroso para la piel y los ojos: En caso de contacto con la piel o los ojos, enjuague inmediatamente con agua. Medidas de emergencia: En caso de irritación en la piel o los ojos, enjuague inmediatamente con agua y consulte a un médico si los síntomas persisten.
Hoiatus: Kinnitamata mudel – Palun lugege!Teie mudel tuleb enne kasutamist täielikult kinnitada, et tagada ohutus. Kinnitamata vaik võib olla tervisele kahjulik.Ohutusjuhised:Vältige kokkupuudet nahaga: Kasutage mudeli käsitsemisel kaitsekindaid.Kinnitamist on vaja: Pange mudel UV-valguse kätte vähemalt 10 minutiks, et see kinnituks.Tagage hea ventilatsioon:Tööpiirkond peab olema mudeliga töötamisel hästi ventileeritud.Olulised märkused:Ei sobi lastele.Likvideerige pakend õigesti.Ohtlik nahale ja silmadele: Naha või silmade kokkupuutel loputage koheselt veega.Esmaabimeetmed:Nahka või silmi ärrituse korral loputage koheselt veega ja pöörduge arsti poole, kui sümptomid püsivad.
Varoitus: Kovettumaton malli – Lue huolellisesti!Mallisi on kovetettava täysin ennen käyttöä turvallisuuden varmistamiseksi. Kovettumaton hartsi voi olla haitallista terveydelle.Turvallisuusohjeet: Vältä ihokosketusta: Käytä suojakäsineitä mallia käsitellessäsi.Vaatii kovettamisen: Aseta malli UV-valoon vähintään 10 minuutiksi kovettumisen varmistamiseksi.Huolehdi hyvästä ilmanvaihdosta: Työtila on pidettävä hyvin tuuletettuna mallia käsiteltäessä.Tärkeitä huomautuksia: Ei sovellu lapsille. Hävitä pakkaus asianmukaisesti.Vaarallista iholle ja silmille: Ihon tai silmien joutuessa kosketuksiin, huuhtele heti vedellä.Hätätoimenpiteet:Jos ilmenee iho- tai silmä-ärsytystä, huuhtele heti vedellä ja hakeudu lääkäriin, jos oireet jatkuvat.
Προσοχή: Μη σκληρυμένο μοντέλο – Διαβάστε προσεκτικά!Το μοντέλο σας πρέπει να σκληρυνθεί πλήρως πριν από τη χρήση για να διασφαλιστεί η ασφάλεια. Η μη σκληρυμένη ρητίνη μπορεί να είναι επιβλαβής για την υγεία.Οδηγίες ασφαλείας:Αποφύγετε την επαφή με το δέρμα: Φοράτε προστατευτικά γάντια κατά τον χειρισμό του μοντέλου. Απαιτείται σκλήρυνση: Εκθέστε το μοντέλο σε υπεριώδες φως (UV) για τουλάχιστον 10 λεπτά για να σκληρυνθεί.Εξασφαλίστε καλό αερισμό: Ο χώρος εργασίας πρέπει να είναι καλά αεριζόμενος όταν εργάζεστε με το μοντέλο.Σημαντικές σημειώσεις:Δεν είναι κατάλληλο για παιδιά.Απορρίψτε τη συσκευασία με ασφάλεια. Επικίνδυνο για το δέρμα και τα μάτια: Σε περίπτωση επαφής με το δέρμα ή τα μάτια, ξεπλύνετε αμέσως με νερό.Μέτρα έκτακτης ανάγκης:Εάν παρουσιαστεί ερεθισμός στο δέρμα ή τα μάτια, ξεπλύνετε αμέσως με νερό και ζητήστε ιατρική βοήθεια εάν τα συμπτώματα επιμένουν.
Upozorenje: Nekaljeni model – Molimo pročitajte!Vaš model mora biti potpuno kaljen prije uporabe kako bi se osigurala sigurnost. Nekaljena smola može biti štetna za zdravlje.Sigurnosne upute: Izbjegavajte kontakt s kožom: Nosite zaštitne rukavice prilikom rukovanja modelom. Kaljenje je potrebno: Izložite model UV svjetlu najmanje 10 minuta kako bi se potpuno očvrsnuo.Osigurajte dobru ventilaciju: Osigurajte dobro prozračen radni prostor tijekom rada s modelom.Važne napomene: Nije prikladno za djecu.Ambalažu zbrinite na siguran način.Opasno za kožu i oči: U slučaju kontakta s kožom ili očima, odmah isperite vodom.Hitne mjere: Ako dođe do iritacije kože ili očiju, odmah isperite vodom i obratite se liječniku ako simptomi potraju.
The models might have minimal residue of liquid resin in grooves or small holes:
Safety Data Sheet from Elegoo 8K Resin:
- Item no.:ELG-14.0007.189
- Manufacturer No.:14.0007.189
Hazard and precautionary statements
Precautionary statements:
- P101 - If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.
- P102 - Keep out of reach of children.
- P201 - Obtain special instructions before use.
- P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
- P280 - Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
- P405 - Store locked up.
- P403+P233 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
- P501 - Dispose of contents/container at a special hazardous waste collection point.
Hazard statements:
- H315 - Causes skin irritation
- H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction
- H319 - Causes serious eye irritation
- H335 - May cause respiratory irritation
- H360FD - May damage fertility. Suspected of damaging the unborn child.
- H410 - Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
- EUH 211 - Warning! Hazardous droplets may be formed when sprayed. Do not breathe in the spray or mist.

Use a respirator when grinding, sanding or sawing resin. Do not swallow or chew any resin parts.
Resin dust is harmful when inhaled. Dusts may cause temporary mechanical irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Accidental ingestion may cause illness or irritation to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.
Avoid generating dust; fine dust dispersed in air in sufficient concentrations and in the presence of an ignition source is a potential dust explosion hazed. On combustion, may emit toxic fumes of carbon monoxide (CO).
Risk of inhalation can be mitigated by taking certain precautions. When sanding polyurethane resin, use wet sandpaper to reduce the amount of airborne dust, and always wear a filter mask and safety goggles. Gloves and a long-sleeved shirt are also a good idea to reduce skin exposure. The room in which you are working should be well-ventilated. If you begin experiencing any adverse reactions while sanding polyurethane resin, you should contact a physician immediately.
The models are 3d printed with an high quality printer. This means no warping of parts, no seam lines and very fine details.
They are pre-cured and must be fully cured by the customer.
It is recommended to remove the support structure (starting from the top of the miniature) with a shart pointy side cutter (we recommend: Tamiya side cutter).
After that you must put the models in UV light for half an hour (sunlight also works but might take longer depending on the UV intensity of your location) to fully cure.
Do not heat the models. The resin will crack if heated. 10 minutes at 40°C are enough to damadge the model.
As long as the resin is not fully cured it is still toxic. Avoid skin contact and do not inhale the gases (for example if it burns, for whatever reason). Use gloves and safety goggles. If there is any part of uncured resin whipe it away with a piece of cloth or paper and cure that piece in UV light. Avoid skin contact with liquid resin at all cost. If you touched the liquid resin wash the area with cold/mild water and soap for 5-10 minutes. Dont use alcohol to clean your skin as the alcohol makes you skin dry and the resin can enter your body more easy. Do not use warm/hot water. The heat will open the pores of your skin and the resin can enter your body more easily.
After curing it is save to touch the resin. It is also much easier to grind away the attachement points of the support structure. Do not overcure the resin. Too much UV light will decompose the resin. Decomposed resin will become toxic.
If there is a light white dust on the models after you cured them, wash them in water or use an old toothbrush to gently brush the dust away.
Mortian will not take any responsibility for harm caused to a persons health or the environment. It is your responsibility to inform others about the risks of 3D printed resin in case you resell or gift the items to another person.
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